Competitor Analysis

Competitive Analysis: Deep Dive into Any Five Companies
  1. Part 1: Identify Success Metrics
  2. Part 2: Plot Competitor Performance Against Metrics
  3. Part 3: Best Practices & Opportunity Areas

Part 1: Identify Success Metrics

In many industries, companies lose touch with the true needs of their customers. The first step of the Analysis Project is to identify the performance goals of the companies within the industry, and compare that to key customer preferences.

preference drivers

Part 2: Plot Competitor Performance Against Metrics

How do the five competitors perform against the success metrics? Using detailed primary and secondary research of the companies, the competitors are given qualitative assessments.

Competitive Analysis

Part 3: Best Practices & Opportunity Areas

Based on the analysis of competitors and their capabilities, identify opportunity areas to exploit the existing industry dynamics.

Competitive Assessment

Competitive Analysis Details
IndustryChosen by client
Companies Analyzed5 companies - chosen by client
Research Report Length15 slides plus supporting material
FormatPowerpoint Powerpoint, PDF PDF
Development Time14 days

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