Animal Slaughtering & Processing Industry - Market Size, Trends, and Growth - 2025-2030

Market Size and Industry Forecast

This research report analyzes the market size and trends in the Animal Slaughtering and Processing industry. It shows overall market size from 2020 to the present, and predicts industry growth through 2030. Revenues data include both public and private companies.

Market Size (Total Revenue)


% Growth Rate
Number of Companies
Total Employees
Average Revenue per Company
Average Employees per Company
Source: U.S. government financial data

Industry Revenue ($ Billions)

Industry Market Size
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024

Advanced econometric models forecast five years of industry growth based on short- and long-term trend analysis. Market size includes revenue generated from all products and services sold within the industry.

Geographic Breakdown by U.S. State

Market size by state reveals local opportunity through the number of companies located in the region. Each state's growth rate is affected by regional economic conditions. Data by state can be used to pinpoint profitable and nonprofitable locations for Animal Slaughtering & Processing companies in the United States.

Animal Slaughtering & Processing Revenue by State

Market Size by State

Distribution by Company Size

Company SizeAll IndustriesAnimal Slaughtering & Processing
Small Business (< 5 Employees)


Small Business (5 - 20)
Midsized Business (20 - 100)
Large Business (100 - 500)
Enterprise (> 500)

Animal Slaughtering & Processing Industry Income Statement (Average Financial Metrics)

Financial statement analysis determines averages for the following industry forces:
The report includes a traditional income statement from an "average" company (both public and private companies included).

Industry AveragePercent of Sales
Total Revenue


Operating Revenue
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
Gross Profit
Operating Expenses
Operating Income
Non-Operating Income
Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT)
Interest Expense
Earnings Before Taxes
Income Tax
Net Profit

Average Income Statement

Average Income Statement

Cost of Goods Sold

Salaries, Wages, and Benefits



Depreciation and Amortization

Officer Compensation

Net Income

Financial Ratio Analysis

Financial ratios allow a company's performance to be compared against that of its peers.

Financial RatioIndustry Average
Profitability Ratios


Profit Margin
Liquidity Ratios
Current Ratio
Quick Ratio
Activity Ratios
Average Collection Period
Asset Turnover Ratio
Receivables Turnover Ratio
Inventory Conversion Ratio

Animal Slaughtering & Processing Industry Compensation and Salary Surveys

TitlePercent of WorkforceBottom QuartileAverage (Median) SalaryUpper Quartile
Management Occupations2%

Chief Executives0%
General and Operations Managers1%
Office and Administrative Support Occupations6%
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations5%
Production Occupations64%
Food Processing Workers44%
Butchers and Other Meat, Poultry, and Fish Processing Workers38%
Meat, Poultry, and Fish Cutters and Trimmers22%
Slaughterers and Meat Packers14%
Miscellaneous Food Processing Workers6%
Other Production Occupations16%
Miscellaneous Production Workers7%
Transportation and Material Moving Occupations16%
Material Moving Workers14%
Laborers and Material Movers, Hand12%
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand5%

Government Contracts

The federal government spent an annual total of $746,167,701 on the animal slaughtering & processing industry. It has awarded 1,587 contracts to 213 companies, with an average value of $3,503,135 per company.

Top Companies in Animal Slaughtering & Processing and Adjacent Industries

($ Millions)

Order the Report on Animal Slaughtering & Processing
PublisherPell Research
GeographyUnited States
Publication DateMarch 2025
Report FormatPDF Download  PDF

Animal Slaughtering & Processing Report Contents
Report Objectives

For Private Equity Firms & Investors

For Business Executives

For Startups

For Venture Capital

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