Real Estate Industry Sector

Industry Sector Overview

Industries in the Real Estate subsector group establishments primarily engaged in renting or leasing real estate to others; managing real estate for others; selling, buying, or renting real estate for others; and providing other real estate related services, such as appraisal services. This subsector includes equity real estate investment trusts (REITs) primarily engaged in leasing buildings, dwellings, or other real estate property to others. Mortgage REITs are classified in Subsector 525, Funds, Trusts, and Other Financial Vehicles. Establishments primarily engaged in subdividing and developing unimproved real estate and constructing buildings for sale are classified in Subsector 236, Construction of Buildings. Establishments primarily engaged in subdividing and improving raw land for subsequent sale to builders are classified in Subsector 237, Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction.
Source: US Census Bureau

Industry Reports

Lessors of Real Estate
Apartment Rental
Commercial Leasing
Self-Storage & Miniwarehouses
Lessors of Mobile Homes, Lots & Other Real Estate Property
Lessors of Mobile Homes, Lots & Trailer Parks
Real Estate Agents & Brokers
Activities Related to Real Estate
Real Estate Property Managers
Residential Property Managers
Nonresidential Property Managers
Real Estate Appraisers